Patience is the CO-FOUNDER and PRESIDENT of A&P Intern Connect Africa. She is an international expert on Social Development, Capacity Building, Life Skills Coaching, Gender and Social Inclusion. Patience has experience in Project Conceptualization, Design and Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) with over twenty-five (25) years’ experience in development consulting. She has academic qualifications in Gender and Development, Education, Social Science and Administration. She has acquired many other relevant certificates and awards with a passion for supporting and providing technical advice for development programmes.
Throughout her career, Patience has been a strong advocate for gender equality and social inclusion, youth empowerment and support for persons with disabilities. She has strategically designed, managed and targeted her work on marginalized and vulnerable people in the society such as persons with disability, rural poor including women, girls and special children. As an expert, Patience has undertaken consultancies for major international development partners such as Department for International Development (DFID) of the UK, the Royal Danish Embassy and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Ghana and Liberia; Agencies of the United Nations (ILO, UNFPA, UNFAO, UNHCR, UNDP, IFAD, UNIFEM and UNICEF); ACBF (Zimbabwe), SNV (Dutch Development Organisation); Netherlands Embassy in Ghana, GIZ (GTZ and KfW (German Development Cooperation). Patience has also partnered many international consultancy firms such as Particip GmBH of Germany, Development Associates, AGRER of Belgium, AGEG of Germany, COWI/AS of Denmark and COFFEY International in the UK.
Patience has an international exposure having worked in many countries including United States of America (USA) Britain, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and South Africa and with nationals from many countries around the world. Patience is also the Founder of the Charitable Organisation, Patience Awards International (PAI) which advocates and awards persons with disability and disability work globally. Patience is passionate about A&P Intern Connect Africa as a brand that will not only sharpen the employable soft and technical skills of the teeming youth in Africa, but provide an opportunity to address the issues they face on the job market in terms of sustainable capacities. Patience a member of many international organizations including a Lifetime Membership of the International Society of Female Professionals (ISFP, USA) and a member and past Board Member of Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation Forum (GMEF).